
Prayers for the Game

Pray a Prayer regularly before the start of the game with the kids.

Here are some sample Prayers.

Dear Lord God,
Thank you for this day.
Thank you for the chance to play
Let my feet be fast and my kicks be strong.
And Help me cheer my teammates on.

Prayer for Athletes

God our Father,
You have created us to strive for the best.
Grant to all athletes, coaches, and fans,
strength to pursue excellence during this event.
We pray for the safety of these athletes;
Protect them from injury and harm.
And finally, we pray for your grace,
that you would provide us
with the endurance to pursue our heavenly prize:
eternal life in Your Son. Amen

Prayer to Play Fair in the Game of Life – Knute Rockne

“Dear Lord, in the struggle that goes on through life
We ask for a field that is fair,
A chance that is equal with all the strife,
The courage to strive and to dare;
And if we should win, let it be by the code,
With our faith and our honor held high;
And if we should lose, let us stand by the road
And cheer as the winners go by.”

Prayer for athletes of the spirit

“Lord Jesus Christ, help these athletes to be your friends and witnesses to your love. Help them to put the same effort into personal asceticism that they do into sports; help them to achieve a harmonious and cohesive unity of body and soul. May they be sound models to imitate for all who admire them. Help them always to be athletes of the spirit, to win your inestimable prize:  an imperishable crown that lasts forever. Amen!”

– John Paul II, Homily at the Jubilee for the World of Sport, October 29, 2000

Prayer for Victory

Lord, God of strength, you gave your Son victory over death. Direct your Church’s fight against evil in the world. Clothe us with the weapons of light and unite us under the one banner of love, that we may receive our eternal reward after the battle of earthly life.

Our Lady of Victory. Pray for Us.